Channeled Spiritual Healing

Carol J Murto

Soul Awareness
A Spiritual Awakening to Self-Knowledge and Healing
Soul Awareness – A Spiritual Awakening to Self-Knowledge and Healing is a Spiritual self-help book, designed to bring a fresh awareness of what our Soul is and to serve as a guide to help heal at the deepest level – the Soul level. With clear, practical instruction and fascinating case histories from Carol’s 16 years as a healing practitioner, Soul Awareness will provide Spiritual direction and support through the text itself; true life stories of personal Soul healing and meditations. Soul Awareness offers tools that are appropriate for the beginner who is exploring the process of their deeper spirituality and the function of the Soul as well as individuals who may have been exploring their Soul connection and Spirituality for a life time. The direction provided in this book can lead the individual to heal on all levels; the Spiritual, physical, and psychological. Once healed, each individual life is opened to new possibilities including finding one’s life purpose.

"Fascinating and transformational ~ highly recommended"~
~ Annie Wilder, author of Spirits of Time ~
"Soul Awareness" offers insight into who we are as human beings and it can empower us to a new spiritual awakening. Whether you are religious or spiritual in your quest to understand what lies at the center of our lives- Soul Awareness will take you to a place of healing and peace. I give Soul Awareness 5 stars out of 5 stars"
~ Tom Riddell, author and radio host of The Writers Lounge ~